We are worshiping together In-Person and on Youtube at 10am CT Sunday mornings.
Please see the Worship Service page to learn how to join worship.
Come As You Are
Come join us at Round Rock Presbyterian Church, just as you are! Wherever you were born, whatever languages you speak, whatever your income level, your age, your race, your sexual orientation or gender identity, or whomever you voted for, we would love to have you worship with us.
Round Rock Presbyterian Church is a community full of imperfect people who accept one another as children of God. This means anyone is welcome no matter where they are on their spiritual journey. Come as you are and join us! We would love to have you walk your faith journey with us.
We gather at 10am on Sunday mornings for a blended worship service with both traditional hymns and more contemporary music offerings. Worshippers come in anything from casual jeans and t-shirts to more formal suits and dresses, so please know all styles are welcome! We also have activity bags, a kids' space, hearing devices, and large print bulletins and Bibles for all ages and ability levels. Go HERE for more information on the worship service and the Zoom link.
Can I Receive Communion?
Yes! This is not our table. It is Christ’s communion table. Everyone is welcome at this table, and we share in this sign of God’s grace on the first Sunday of every month.
What about my kids?
Round Rock Presbyterian values all children and is committed to caring for, loving, and raising the next generation in the faith. Children are welcome in all our spaces. We have a nursery for infants and tiny tots, a Church School room, playground, grace space, and activity bags available always.
Our Children's Church for k-6th is located down the hall from the sanctuary and takes place from the children's moment to the offertory (about 35 minutes). We are excited to be using the Holy Moly Curriculum by Sparkhouse which engages children of all ages in a variety of learning styles.